The Internet Days is an annual two-day conference organized by The Swedish Internet Foundation. The event is for anyone who wants to expand their digital perspective.
The Internet Days is Sweden's most important conference about internet and the impact that digitalization has on society.
Listen to world-leading speakers and get inspired by various focus areas during the conference.
About The Swedish Internet Foundation
We are an independent, private foundation that works for the positive development of the internet. We are responsible for the Swedish top-level domain .se and the operation of the top-level domain .nu, and our vision is that everyone in Sweden wants to, dares to and is able to use the internet.
The revenues from the business operations finance a number of initiatives aimed at enabling people to use the internet in the best possible way and to provide knowledge about internet use in Sweden and the impact of digitalization on society. Read more about The Swedish Internet Foundation.
Previous keynote speakers
We have had many inspiring keynote speakers at The Internet Days over the years. Here are some of them.